Professional Migration and Education Services

Your Trusted Migration and Education Advisors

What Do We Stand For?

Recognised as VEVS Global, here’s what we stand for:

  • The Value in the advice we provide.
  • Our specialisation in all areas of Education.
  • The strength of our Visa advice and solutions.

We’ve come a long way since our inception and we’ve passed many significant milestones.  As we continue to grow and invest in our team, we remain loyal to what we stand for: Valued Education and Visa Services

Talk to our Migration Agents Perth Today.

VEVS Global Team

Our Mission

Our mission? Simple. To help our clients and their families migrate, settle and find their feet in Australia.

Through the years, we’ve extensively assisted the international student community with their admissions into the education provider of their choice, right through to their permanent relocation in Australia.

We have established our own offices in Nepal and Bhutan and we continue to focus on expanding our reach into other parts of the world.

Professional Migration Services

What Sets Us Apart?

We value the trust you place in us. We understand the complexities of the Australian Immigration System and most importantly, we acknowledge the pitfalls and challenges which may arise at various stages of the migration process.

What sets us apart is that we don’t tell you what to do. Rather, we take the time to get to know you, your current situation and your goals in order to guide you down the right path.

Visa Counselling

VEVS Global

As a full-serviced Education and Migration Agency, our staff are qualified and accredited to deliver advice and assistance across the following areas:

  • Student Admissions and Visas
  • General Skilled Migration
  • Employer Sponsored Visas
  • Partner and Family Migration
  • Business and Investment Migration
  • Other Visas

It’s important to have an Agent you can trust knowing that the advice and assistance you receive is accurate and correct.

Registered Migration Agents

Delivering advice and assistance across a range of visa subclasses.

Qualified Education Agent Counsellors

Managing enrolments into recognised Australian institutions.

A Global Team

Headquartered in Perth, with offices in Bhutan, Nepal, and Philippines, our team of Registered Agents are multilingual and multicultural.

To know more about our services you may download our Capability Statement here.